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Capital Gains Tax Canada Rental Property Calculator

Calculate Your Capital Gains Taxes With Ease

Understanding Capital Gains and Taxes

When you sell an asset for a profit, you incur capital gains. These gains are subject to taxation, and the rate you pay depends on your income and the type of asset you sold. Understanding how to calculate your capital gains taxes can help you plan ahead and minimize your financial burden.

Calculating Capital Gains Taxes

To calculate your capital gains taxes, you need to determine three key amounts:

1. Adjusted Cost Base (ACB)

This refers to the original cost of the asset, plus any additional outlays you made to acquire it.

2. Outlays

These are any expenses incurred to improve or maintain the asset, such as renovations or repairs.

3. Sale Proceeds

This is the amount you receive when you sell the asset.

Calculating Capital Gain/Loss

To calculate your capital gain or loss, subtract the ACB and outlays from the sale proceeds. If the result is positive, you have a capital gain. If it's negative, you have a capital loss.

Taxable Capital Gains

Only 50% of your capital gain is taxable. For long-term capital gains (assets held for more than a year), this percentage is included in your income and taxed at your regular income tax rate.

Using a Capital Gains Calculator

For your convenience, several online calculators can help you determine your capital gains taxes. Simply input the relevant information, and the calculator will provide you with an estimate of the tax you owe.


Understanding how to calculate your capital gains taxes can help you avoid surprises and plan for the financial implications of selling assets. By utilizing the information provided in this article, you can make informed decisions and manage your tax obligations effectively.
